About Us

Steve Collins

Steve trained as an upholsterer after leaving school. He worked for several upholstery companies in London before starting his own upholstery business in Kensal Green in 1990. He moved the business to Milton Keynes in 1996 following his marriage to Trish. They then fancied a bit of life by the sea, so they moved, along with the business, to Caister-on-Sea in 2005 where Steve quickly gained a reputation for the quality of his work. The rest, as they say, is history.

Trish Collins

Trish is Steve's wife. She trained as upholsterer after having her 5 children. She sews a mean seam and is usually to be found at the sewing machine. She also keeps the books.

Together we are:
Caravan Upholsterer
33 Victoria Street
NR30 5HA
Tel: 07958-577590
Email: info@caravanupholsterer.co.uk
Facebook Page
Callers by appointment only please.